Su Socio en ESPAÑA
Sobre nosotros
Alo Spain DMC, una marca de VB Group es su socio en España
Nos especializamos en el negocio de Incentivos y MICE. Amamos nuestro país y hemos desarrollado fuertes vínculos con los mejores socios a lo largo de nuestros 15 años de experiencia en el sector.
Nuestros objetivos
Conocerle, comprender sus necesidades, costumbres y expectativas
Trabajar con usted en equipo
Utilizar nuestros conocimientos técnicos y nuestra sólida relación con los locales para obtener lo mejor de todas las partes implicadas en su evento
Hacer que se sienta seguro y bien atendido en todas las fases de la preparación y la operación, establecer vínculos de confianza
Nuestros servicios
Desde las más tradicionales a las más originales y divertidas, descubra nuestras múltiples formas de conducirle por España.
Ofrecemos una amplia gama de actividades para descubrir España y sus regiones a través de la gastronomía.
Somos agentes oficiales autorizados de los mayores clubes de fútbol españoles y de los Juegos Olímpicos de París 2024.
Cenas de Gala
Nuestro equipo de producción y nuestros socios se encargan de todos los aspectos y detalles de su evento.
Activiadades culturales, de ocio, de consolidación de equipos, deportivas... hechas a medida según sus objetivos.
Quería agradecerte por todas las atenciones y servicios durante la agenda contratada.
Todo estuvo fenomenal, excelente servicio!! Desde los choferes, guías, vehículos y restaurantes escogidos con tu persona, cliente quedó muy complacido y yo especialmente muy agradecido y contento...
Quería agradecerte por todas las atenciones y servicios durante la agenda contratada.
Todo estuvo fenomenal, excelente servicio!! Desde los choferes, guías, vehículos y restaurantes escogidos con tu persona, cliente quedó muy complacido y yo especialmente muy agradecido y contento.
Seguiré tomándolos en cuenta para futuros grupos definitivamente, quedé muy complacido!
Incentivo aseguradora general - Madrid & Valencia
A viagem do grupo Bom de Fungicidas foi um sucesso, com satisfação acima da média do cliente. A qualidade dos serviços como transporte, hospedagem, passeios e principalmente alimentação, é um diferencial muito grande dos projetos com a Alo Spain...
A viagem do grupo Bom de Fungicidas foi um sucesso, com satisfação acima da média do cliente. A qualidade dos serviços como transporte, hospedagem, passeios e principalmente alimentação, é um diferencial muito grande dos projetos com a Alo Spain. Sem dúvidas, voltaremos a trabalhar juntos!
G. S. - Eventos corporativos e Viagens, FB Group
O Grupo Seed Experts passou por duas cidades na Espanha (Madrid e Barcelona), e o feedback do cliente é que nunca tinham feito uma viagem com qualidade tão alta em todos os sentidos. Destaco, principalmente, o profissionalismo do atendimento do time Alo Spain...
O Grupo Seed Experts passou por duas cidades na Espanha (Madrid e Barcelona), e o feedback do cliente é que nunca tinham feito uma viagem com qualidade tão alta em todos os sentidos. Destaco, principalmente, o profissionalismo do atendimento do time Alo Spain. Profissionais sempre atentos aos pedidos dos clientes, além de minimizar qualquer eventualidade durante a viagem.
G. S. - Eventos corporativos e Viagens, FB Group
Thanks again for everything, all last-minute changes and special requests. All worked very well and we are happy.
Thanks again for everything, all last-minute changes and special requests. All worked very well and we are happy.
J.H. Marketing - Communication Specialist
On behalf of Delonghi Egypt , I would like to express my sincere appreciation for all the professional input we got from ALO Spain.
Services were really outstanding that results in the success of the event that was really appreciated by all Delonghi’s guests
On behalf of Delonghi Egypt , I would like to express my sincere appreciation for all the professional input we got from ALO Spain.
Services were really outstanding that results in the success of the event that was really appreciated by all Delonghi’s guests
N. S. - Managing Director Pioneer Events
I met ALO Spain for the first time in 2014 when I was working as the cruise manager for a Turkish tour operator. That time I needed a partner in Spain and through some references we got in contact. Now 10 years later and having my own business we are still having a great cooperation together...
I met ALO Spain for the first time in 2014 when I was working as the cruise manager for a Turkish tour operator. That time I needed a partner in Spain and through some references we got in contact. Now 10 years later and having my own business we are still having a great cooperation together. Nothing has changed in the past 10 years and the services provided have always been excellent. While speaking about excellent service I need to mention the names of Marion Richard (DMC Director) and Sandra Ramon (Alo Congress Managing Director). Both of them (Sandra, 2014-2020 and Marion 2014-present) have always been great and supportive. If it isn't because of me, it's because of them why we have such a great cooperation with ALO :))) Jokes aside, it's a pleasure working with Alo Spain. Hope for many years to come!
It was a great experience to work with Alo Spain , Marion was so cooperative, professional, facilitate everything and so patient to answer all questions and discuss every single detail and following up with her team to make sure that we received the highest standard of service...
It was a great experience to work with Alo Spain , Marion was so cooperative, professional, facilitate everything and so patient to answer all questions and discuss every single detail and following up with her team to make sure that we received the highest standard of service. Thank you for everything and hope to have more and more successful groups in Spain.
D. E. - Key Account Manager World Round Travel
I have been working with Alo Spain DMC for almost 10 years.
We have organized more than 100 groups from 5 pax to 500 pax. They are more than a dmc.Well experienced game changers and high level solution maker. You dont fell like working with another dmc DMC in spain after you experience them
I have been working with Alo Spain DMC for almost 10 years.
We have organized more than 100 groups from 5 pax to 500 pax. They are more than a dmc.Well experienced game changers and high level solution maker. You dont fell like working with another dmc DMC in spain after you experience them
G. Ç. - Outgoing Events and Incentive Manager
We were very pleased with many of the operations we carried out in Spain. They always work solution-oriented. They respond quickly and their operational capabilities are very high. I would definitely recommend you to work with them
We were very pleased with many of the operations we carried out in Spain. They always work solution-oriented. They respond quickly and their operational capabilities are very high. I would definitely recommend you to work with them
K. U. K. (Mr.) К. У. К. - Account Manager - Менеджер по работе с клиентами - TELCOMOD TELEKOMUNIKASYON
My Experience is super Positive ! Alo Spain has been game changer for our business since our partnership began in 2017, we have been able to grow tremendously and rely on, they have the full services of Travel agency and back up of a Reputable Company...
My Experience is super Positive ! Alo Spain has been game changer for our business since our partnership began in 2017, we have been able to grow tremendously and rely on, they have the full services of Travel agency and back up of a Reputable Company.
During our long- lasting relationship with ALO Spain, we mostly appreciate: the perfect services, the best deals in the market, the wide choices in the shortest possible time to our clients , as well as professional services assistance on ground 24x7.
Thank you so much for all you did for GLC group 😊
P. H. - Assistant Manager –Outbound Operation
Estamos imensamente contentes com a parceria da VB no projeto Paris Olimpíadas 2024. Ana foi extremamente atenciosa, gentil e parceira nesta jornada. Foram dias corridos e desafiadores para nós, mas o suporte e comprometimento dela foi essencial...
Estamos imensamente contentes com a parceria da VB no projeto Paris Olimpíadas 2024. Ana foi extremamente atenciosa, gentil e parceira nesta jornada. Foram dias corridos e desafiadores para nós, mas o suporte e comprometimento dela foi essencial. Agradeço toda equipe da VB que se envolveu e nos auxiliou neste projeto. Espero que esta seja a primeira de muitas parcerias.
C. W. - Eventos – Essentir
I would like to thank you very much for your great support during this group.
I cannot tell you how much I really appreciate your effort to get the hotels, buses, escorts, restaurants, shows, meals …etc that shall satisfy the client & meet his expectations...
I would like to thank you very much for your great support during this group.
I cannot tell you how much I really appreciate your effort to get the hotels, buses, escorts, restaurants, shows, meals …etc that shall satisfy the client & meet his expectations.
I also understand & highly appreciate all the effort & extra miles you have taken your side to give the expected quality & image for yourself & your esteemed company.
We are so lucky to have you as our partner in Spain😊
N. R. - Manager Outbound Operation SEVERAL
¿Tiene alguna duda?
Lunes - Viernes de 9 am a 6pm
Nuestro objetivo es proporcionar a nuestros clientes las soluciones más precisas y creativas de acuerdo con su presupuesto, necesidades y expectativas
Nos gusta vernos como parte de su equipo, somos sus ojos y oídos en España durante la preparación del evento y estamos disponibles 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana in situ durante la operación, para garantizar el éxito de su evento.
Sobre nosotros

Desde las más tradicionales a las más originales y divertidas, descubra nuestras múltiples formas de conducirle por España.
Nuestros servicios
Autocares VIP
Coches antiguos
Autocar Oficial del FC Barcelona
Berlinas y Monovolúmenes de lujo
Carruajes de caballos andaluces
Traslados y excursiones en helicóptero
Más servicios

Ofrecemos una amplia gama de actividades para descubrir España y sus regiones a través de la gastronomía.
Nuestros servicios
Paella sangría clases de cocina de tapas
Tours de tapas
Visitas a mercados tradicionales
Degustaciones de jamón, vino o aceite de oliva
Restaurantes con Estrella Michelín
Cenas tradicionales con espectáculo
Más servicios

Somos agentes oficiales autorizados de los mayores clubes de fútbol españoles y de los Juegos Olímpicos de París 2024.
Nuestros servicios
Liga Española
Champions League
EURO 2024
Conciertos en España y Europa
Festivales de música
Olimpiadas de París 2024
Más servicios

Cenas de Gala
Nuestro equipo de producción y nuestros socios se encargan de todos los aspectos y detalles de su evento.
Nuestros servicios
Búsqueda de salones
Montaje de escenarios
Ambientación musical
Recuerdos / Regalos
Fiestas temáticas
Más servicios

Activiadades culturales, de ocio, de consolidación de equipos, deportivas... hechas a medida según sus objetivos.
Nuestros servicios
Entradas de fútbol
Excursiones de compras
Visitas al museo a puertas cerradas
Excursiones en velero
Consolidación de equipos
Go Cars Tours (coches parlantes)
Más servicios